
Showing posts from May, 2023

Cricket and Christianity

From time to time, I'll come across sports like curling or cricket; sports I consider "off-the-wall". I find myself watching for a bit trying to figure out exactly what the goals and components of the game are. I often find these games mildly amusing, but I've never gone beyond novel interest and pursued deeper understanding. Specifically speaking of cricket, I truly have no idea what any of the terminology means, how points are scored, or even remote knowledge of the rules. I basically know there is a guy that rolls a ball to a guy who is holding a fraternity-paddle-looking thing. The frat guy then tries to hit the ball. The other thing that can happen is the ball rolling guy (I think he is called the bowler) can knock over some wooden sticks that sit behind the frat paddler. In retrospect, I think the frat guy may be protecting the sticks, but that is just a shot in the dark.  If I developed a true interest, I'd want to understand the rules of the game, the hist